.357 158 Gr. JSP
- Aguila ammo is made in Mexico and is a cheap ammo, cheaper than PMC(in Belgium...). You can get all the
information on Aguila ammo on their web I used semi-jacketed soft point .357 mag. 158 grains. It's a real ammo for
revolvers, not intended for gas-operated DE. It was quite precise and smooth when shooting, but gave terrible feeding problems(the spent case was discharged, but no new cartridge loaded).
I guess that the cartridge has a very narrow rim and therefore failed to extract.
Caliber - .357; Bullet Weight - 158 Gr.; Muzzle Velocity - 1235 fps.; Muzzle Energy - 535 ft-lbs.; -
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Blazer 158 Gr. JHP
Stated many times in different places, confirmed by Magnum Research Inc.,
doesn't work reliable for Desert Ealge. I've test fired this round too, same result, lots of jams, better don't shoot.
Caliber - .357; Bullet Weight - 158 Gr.; Muzzle Velocity - ???? fps.; Muzzle Energy - ???? ft-lbs.; go to top go to Ammo listFederal
.357 158 Gr. Hydra-Shock JHP
- From what I know, very good self-defense round, though for target shooting this would be a poor choice, mostly due to its high price. When fired muzzle flash, flip and recoil are more than Fiocchi, but less
than Remington and Winchester, although this one doesn't produce much smoke. MRI recommended.
Caliber - .357; Bullet Weight - 158 Gr.; Muzzle Velocity - 1240 fps.; Muzzle Energy - 535 ft-lbs.; -
.357 158 Gr. American Eagle JSP
- Relatively cheap and reliable cartridge. Some smoke, not
too obnoxious. Recoil is not bad, but it is definitely a full power round. It isn't too dirty either. You could probably go
200 rounds without cleaning and not worry much. Pretty hefty muzzle flash. MRI recommended.
Caliber - .357; Bullet Weight - 158 Gr.; Muzzle Velocity - 1250 fps.; Muzzle Energy - 548 ft-lbs.; -
Matt de Vries.
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Bad news - this cartridge is gone :((( I have talked to Fiocchi representatives
& they confirmed that Fiocchi doesn't produce this round anymore.
.357 158 Gr. SJHP
- IMHO the best .357 round for target shooting.
The price and performance are very good. This cartridge provides very reliable shooting/feeding.
In comparison to
other Fiocchi cartridges this one generates the most smoke when fired, on the other hand 158 SJPH is a lot "cleaner" than
other two Fiocchi cartridges below, it doesn't produce as much dirt, to be more exact after firing 50 shots with 142 Gr. my
gun was in the same or even worse shape as if I would've fired 200-250 rounds of 158 Gr. Cleaner than
Remington and Winchester.
One more interesting detail, I wasn't able to find this cartridge on FiocchiUSA's
web page, they have 158Gr. JSP and 148 Gr. JHP but not 158 SJPH, as I have been told by Kissler's Wholesale, this round was specially
made for them. They had the best price I have seen - 1000 rounds for $159 in military ammo can, including shipping/handling,
they can be contacted at: Kissler's Wholesale +1(800) 444-2950.
Caliber - .357; Bullet Weight - 158 Gr.; Muzzle Velocity - 1475 fps.; Muzzle Energy - 750 ft-lbs.; -
.357 148 Gr. JHP
- I haven't fired this one too much, just a hundred
rounds, when fired feels almost the same as 158Gr. smokes less definitely,
on the other hand, this one is significantly expensive, $220 for 1000 rounds,
compare to $139 :) Ballistics are slightly different on this round, though
I really don't understand what makes that much cost difference, may be
just a simple fact that this comes in the boxes of 50. In short unless
there is a very good reason that I don't know yet, 158 Gr. mentioned above
are 100% preferable.
Caliber - .357; Bullet Weight - 148 Gr.; Muzzle Velocity - 1500 fps.; Muzzle Energy - 720 ft-lbs.; -
.357 142 Gr. JTC
- I have fired around 500 shots of this one. Positive sides are:
much less muzzle flash, flip and recoil when fired in comparison to any other brand I've
tested and the most important thing - very reliable feeding ( up to first hundred shots though ).
The drawback is that these rounds produce so
much dirt in the gun that it is practically impossible to shoot large amounts
without cleaning. For some reason lots of copper particles, unburned powder
etc. are found after shooting :( Cleaning after this round is a real pain,
besides I am really concerned about gas system, with that much dirt it
may get screwed up very easy :(((
The advise is better DON'T SHOOT, the bullet is not a TMJ, i.e. the lead base is exposed. Thus
increasing the risk of the gas system clogging.
Not a good one for target shooting definitely.
Caliber - .357; Bullet Weight - 142 Gr.; Muzzle Velocity - 1420 fps.; Muzzle Energy - 650 ft-lbs.; -
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.357 158 Gr. JHP
- No info yet :( MRI recommended. Please help here if you can :)Specs:
Caliber - .357; Bullet Weight - 158 Gr.; Muzzle Velocity - 1250 fps.; Muzzle Energy - 548 ft-lbs.; -
.357 158 Gr. JFP
- No info yet :( Please help here if you can :)
Caliber - .357; Bullet Weight - 158 Gr.; Muzzle Velocity - 1250 fps.; Muzzle Energy - 548 ft-lbs.; -
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IMI (Israeli Military Industry) ammunition is being imported in US under Samson name. If applicable the IMI production line name is added. e.g. Samson Ultra is IMI Ultra line ammunition.
.357 158 Gr. JHP
- A Very reliable, clean cartridge. In comparison to the others, especially Fiocchis (residue & fouling) it is the on of the best I've seen. However
the recoil is significant. Muzzle flash is mild and this round is loud :) By recoil it is very similar to the
Winchester SuperX rounds, but IMI round is definitely louder ;) Very reliable feeding and
good accuracy. These rounds have somewhat thicker rim, may be this is the reason, however I know the cases when thicker rim
was a problem for .44 magnum desert Eagles.
The best price I've seen on those was Cole Distribution, 200$
for case of 1000 rounds, that price included shipping and handling.
.357 158 Gr. JSP
- By all means this one should be very similar the cartridge described above. At least advertised ballistics, powder &
other components are the same, so I'd expect very similar behavior when shooting, except terminal ballistics of course ;)
Caliber - .357; Bullet Weight - 158 Gr.; Muzzle Velocity - 1230 fps.; Muzzle Energy - 530 ft-lbs.; -
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.357 158 Gr. JSP
- Very smooth loading and extracting. Almost no flame nor smoke and less loudness than PMC! I used 158 gr. JSP. Its in the same price category as PMC. No one single failure during shooting. The cleaning was really very easy, because there were almost no deposits! One of the proof of my findings was that there was no black frosted parts near the cannon mouth and the gas cilinder. The tombac residue in the barrel was very easy to remove with Ballistol and the the bronze brush, then 4 patches with the cleaning rod swabed with Ballistol and presto!Specs:
Caliber - .357; Bullet Weight - 158 Gr.; Muzzle Velocity - 1200 fps.; Muzzle Energy - 505 ft-lbs.; -
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.357 158 Gr. SJHP
- An average round for DE. Fired 200 shots, louder then Federal or Fiocchi,
bigger muzzle flash as well and recoil is bigger as well. Not very expensive,
cheaper than Federal Hydra Shocks but more expensive than American Eagle or
some Fiocchi. Though you may find a place where prices are cheaper. Best I
have seen was $14 for a box of 50. MRI recommended.
Caliber - .357; Bullet Weight - 158 Gr.; Muzzle Velocity - 1235 fps.; Muzzle Energy - 535 ft-lbs.; -
.357 158 Gr. JSP
- Very similar to the cartridge described above except this one has a different bullet type,
as it seemed to me that's the only difference, slightly less price on it and that's it. I've fired
100 rounds of this type and can't tell big difference for target shooting, of course there is some,
for self-defense or hunting since this is JSP not a JHP but for target practice no difference.
Caliber - .357; Bullet Weight - 158 Gr.; Muzzle Velocity - 1235 fps.; Muzzle Energy - 535 ft-lbs.; -
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Sellier & Bellot USA Inc.
.357 158 Gr.
- Do not use Sellier and Bellot 158gr .357 ammo. It is both too long, and not high enough velocity.
You will get lots of misfeeds.
Caliber - .357; Bullet Weight - 158 Gr.; Muzzle Velocity - ???? fps.; Muzzle Energy - ??? ft-lbs.;Matt de Vries.
.357 158 Gr. FMJ
- I used Sellier & Bellot FMJ ammo. It's also a very reliable and beautiful made ammo. I must totaly contradict the findings concerning this ammo on your web-page! But it has one "bad" particularity and only if you don't like it, It's the fact that it produces a lot of burning particles. The wear of protective glasses is a necessity. The cartridges are thrown out, almost vertical, right in the hair... But the bullets hit right in the bulls-eye! There is no need to aim above or under to correct the ballistic path(for 25m range). You can find further information on their web-page: I think that the problem of the dirt and other foulings for a great extend can be resolved by using a good gun-oil!PENTACON.
Caliber - .357; Bullet Weight - 158 Gr. FMJ; Muzzle Velocity - 1400 fps.; Muzzle Energy - 687 ft-lbs.; -
- Interesting if that is the same ammo? Might be different in Europe and USA?go to top go to Ammo list
.357 158 Gr. JHP
- This one was the most expensive except Federal Hydra-Shock, $20 + for a box of 50. Has the loudest sound and strongest recoil out of all .357 rounds I have shot.Fired 150 rounds, pretty good feeding but still little bit worse than Fiocchi or Federal, stronger recoils takes its tall from your hands, especially after firing more than 100 rounds. Contaminates gun less than Remington and definitely much less than 142 Gr. JTC Fiocchi. MRI recommended.
Caliber - .357; Bullet Weight - 158 Gr.; Muzzle Velocity - 1235 fps.; Muzzle Energy - 535 ft-lbs.; -
.357 158 Gr. JSP
- No live info on this one, haven't seen around here, but looking at the ballistics and
experience with other brands should be very similar to Winchester 158 Gr. JHP for target
Caliber - .357; Bullet Weight - 158 Gr.; Muzzle Velocity - 1235 fps.; Muzzle Energy - 535 ft-lbs.; -
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- Magnum Research Inc.
- Blount International
- Cor-bon Ammunition
- Federal Cartridge Company.
- Fiocchi USA
- Remington Arms Company Inc.
- Winchester Ammunition
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