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Knives Reviews

Hibben Pro Thrower I, II Throwing Knives Review

Hibben Pro Thrower I, II:

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Hibben Pro Thro I, II throwing knives    Both 420J2 stainless steel - which is not very bad for throwing knives but no good for an utility knife. 10" overall 4-7/8", 3/16" thick, weighs 8 oz. 12" overall 5-7/8", 3/16" thick, weighs 10 oz.
   Good throwing knives, well balanced, the second one is a little big - 12", but quite destructive thing. It already ruined all of my targets ;) No matter what am I using wood, paper or something else, it's gone, very soon after 12" knife starts hitting it.
    Because I use blade throw technique it is little bit tricky to throw this guys, tip and blade/handle conjunction can cause some inconvenience. Although handle is special designed to throw by it, I tried, different thing to do but if you practice enough I guess you will achieve good results.

Last updated - 05/19/19

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